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input MakeDSAReportDecisionInput {
userID: ID!
legality: DSAReportDecisionLegality!
legalGrounds: String
detailedExplanation: String
commentID: ID!
commentRevisionID: ID!
reportID: ID!
clientMutationId: String!


MakeDSAReportDecisionInput.userID ● ID! non-null scalar

id of the user who made a decision for the DSAReport

MakeDSAReportDecisionInput.legality ● DSAReportDecisionLegality! non-null enum

legality is the legality decision made for the DSAReport

MakeDSAReportDecisionInput.legalGrounds ● String scalar

legal grounds is an overview of the law broken as part of illegal content decision

MakeDSAReportDecisionInput.detailedExplanation ● String scalar

detailedExplanation provides more information as part of illegal content decision

MakeDSAReportDecisionInput.commentID ● ID! non-null scalar

commentID is the id of the comment about which the DSAReport legality decision is being made

MakeDSAReportDecisionInput.commentRevisionID ● ID! non-null scalar

commentRevisionID is the revision id of the comment about which the DSAReport legality decision is being made

MakeDSAReportDecisionInput.reportID ● ID! non-null scalar

reportID is the id of the DSAReport that is being decided on

MakeDSAReportDecisionInput.clientMutationId ● String! non-null scalar

clientMutationId is required for Relay support.

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makeDSAReportDecision mutation