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The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.

scalar String

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sections query

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AcknowledgeModMessageInput input ● AcknowledgeModMessagePayload object ● AcknowledgeWarningInput input ● AcknowledgeWarningPayload object ● AddDSAReportNoteInput input ● AddDSAReportNotePayload object ● AddDSAReportShareInput input ● AddDSAReportSharePayload object ● AddStoryExpertInput input ● AddStoryExpertPayload object ● AkismetExternalIntegration object ● Announcement object ● ApproveCommentInput input ● ApproveCommentPayload object ● ArchiveStoriesInput input ● ArchiveStoriesPayload object ● auth directive ● BadgeConfiguration object ● BadgeConfigurationInput input ● BanStatusHistory object ● BanUserInput input ● BanUserPayload object ● CacheStoryInput input ● CacheStoryPayload object ● CancelAccountDeletionInput input ● CancelAccountDeletionPayload object ● CancelScheduledAccountDeletionInput input ● CancelScheduledAccountDeletionPayload object ● ChangeDSAReportStatusInput input ● ChangeDSAReportStatusPayload object ● CloseCommenting object ● CloseStoryInput input ● CloseStoryPayload object ● Comment object ● CommentModerationAction object ● CommentRevision object ● CommentRevisionExternalModerationPhaseMetadata object ● comments query ● CommunityGuidelines object ● CreateAnnouncementInput input ● CreateAnnouncementPayload object ● CreateCommentDontAgreeInput input ● CreateCommentDontAgreePayload object ● CreateCommentFlagInput input ● CreateCommentFlagPayload object ● CreateCommentInput input ● CreateCommentMediaInput input ● CreateCommentPayload object ● CreateCommentReactionInput input ● CreateCommentReactionPayload object ● CreateCommentReplyInput input ● CreateCommentReplyPayload object ● CreateDSAReportInput input ● CreateDSAReportPayload object ● CreateEmailDomain input ● CreateEmailDomainInput input ● CreateEmailDomainPayload object ● CreateExternalModerationPhaseInput input ● CreateExternalModerationPhasePayload object ● CreateFlairBadgeInput input ● CreateFlairBadgePayload object ● CreateIllegalContentPayload object ● CreateModeratorNoteInput input ● CreateModeratorNotePayload object ● CreateSite input ● CreateSiteInput input ● CreateSitePayload object ● CreateStory input ● CreateStoryInput input ● CreateStoryPayload object ● CreateTokenInput input ● CreateTokenPayload object ● CreateWebhookEndpointInput input ● CreateWebhookEndpointPayload object ● DeactivateSSOSigningSecretInput input ● DeactivateSSOSigningSecretPayload object ● DeactivateTokenInput input ● DeactivateTokenPayload object ● debugScrapeStoryMetadata query ● DeleteAnnouncementInput input ● DeleteAnnouncementPayload object ● DeleteDSAReportNoteInput input ● DeleteDSAReportNotePayload object ● DeleteEmailDomainInput input ● DeleteEmailDomainPayload object ● DeleteExternalModerationPhaseInput input ● DeleteExternalModerationPhasePayload object ● DeleteFlairBadgeInput input ● DeleteFlairBadgePayload object ● DeleteModeratorNoteInput input ● DeleteModeratorNotePayload object ● DeleteSSOSigningSecretInput input ● DeleteSSOSigningSecretPayload object ● DeleteUserAccountInput input ● DeleteUserAccountPayload object ● DeleteWebhookEndpointInput input ● DeleteWebhookEndpointPayload object ● DemoteMemberInput input ● DemoteMemberPayload object ● DemoteModeratorInput input ● DemoteModeratorPayload object ● deprecated directive ● DisableCommenting object ● DisableExternalModerationPhaseInput input ● DisableExternalModerationPhasePayload object ● DisableFeatureFlagInput input ● DisableFeatureFlagPayload object ● DisableWebhookEndpointInput input ● DisableWebhookEndpointPayload object ● DiscoveredOIDCConfiguration object ● discoverOIDCConfiguration query ● DSAMethodOfRedressConfiguration object ● DSAMethodOfRedressConfigurationInput input ● DSAReport object ● DSAReportDecision object ● DSAReportHistoryItem object ● dsaReports query ● EditCommentInput input ● EditCommentPayload object ● EmailConfiguration object ● EmailDomain object ● EmbeddedCommentsConfiguration object ● EmbeddedCommentsConfigurationInput input ● EnableExternalModerationPhaseInput input ● EnableExternalModerationPhasePayload object ● EnableFeatureFlagInput input ● EnableFeatureFlagPayload object ● EnableWebhookEndpointInput input ● EnableWebhookEndpointPayload object ● ExternalMedia object ● ExternalModerationPhase object ● FacebookAuthIntegration object ● FacebookProfile object ● FeatureCommentInput input ● FeatureCommentPayload object ● Flag object ● FlairBadge object ● FlairBadgeConfigurationInput input ● FlushRedisInput input ● FlushRedisPayload object ● GifMediaConfiguration object ● GifMediaConfigurationInput input ● GiphyMedia object ● GoogleAuthIntegration object ● GoogleProfile object ● IgnoreUserInput input ● IgnoreUserPayload object ● InvalidateCachedStoryInput input ● InvalidateCachedStoryPayload object ● Invite object ● InviteUsersInput input ● InviteUsersPayload object ● LocalProfile object ● MakeDSAReportDecisionInput input ● MakeDSAReportDecisionPayload object ● MarkCommentsAsSeenInput input ● MarkCommentsAsSeenPayload object ● MergeStoriesInput input ● MergeStoriesPayload object ● ModeratorNote object ● ModMessageStatus object ● ModMessageStatusHistory object ● NewCommentersModerationConfig object ● NewCommentersModerationConfigInput input ● Notification object ● NotificationDecisionDetails object ● NotificationDSAReportDetails object ● OIDCAuthIntegration object ● OIDCProfile object ● OpenStoryInput input ● OpenStoryPayload object ● Organization object ● PerspectiveExternalIntegration object ● PremodUserInput input ● PremodUserPayload object ● PromoteMemberInput input ● PromoteMemberPayload object ● PromoteModeratorInput input ● PromoteModeratorPayload object ● rate directive ● Reacter object ● Reaction object ● ReactionConfiguration object ● ReactionConfigurationInput input ● RefreshStoryCountsInput input ● RefreshStoryCountsPayload object ● RejectCommentInput input ● RejectCommentPayload object ● RejectCommentReasonInput input ● RejectionReason object ● RemoveCommentDontAgreeInput input ● RemoveCommentDontAgreePayload object ● RemoveCommentReactionInput input ● RemoveCommentReactionPayload object ● RemovePremodUserInput input ● RemovePremodUserPayload object ● RemoveStoryExpertInput input ● RemoveStoryExpertPayload object ● RemoveStoryInput input ● RemoveStoryPayload object ● RemoveUserBanInput input ● RemoveUserBanPayload object ● RemoveUserIgnoreInput input ● RemoveUserIgnorePayload object ● RemoveUserSuspensionInput input ● RemoveUserSuspensionPayload object ● RemoveUserWarningInput input ● RemoveUserWarningPayload object ● RequestAccountDeletionInput input ● RequestAccountDeletionPayload object ● RequestCommentsDownloadInput input ● RequestCommentsDownloadPayload object ● RequestUserCommentsDownloadInput input ● RequestUserCommentsDownloadPayload object ● ReviewCommentFlagInput input ● ReviewCommentFlagPayload object ● RotateExternalModerationPhaseSigningSecretInput input ● RotateExternalModerationPhaseSigningSecretPayload object ● RotateSSOSigningSecretInput input ● RotateSSOSigningSecretPayload object ● RotateWebhookEndpointSigningSecretInput input ● RotateWebhookEndpointSigningSecretPayload object ● ScheduleAccountDeletionInput input ● ScheduleAccountDeletionPayload object ● ScrapeStoryInput input ● ScrapeStoryPayload object ● SectionFilter input ● SendModMessageInput input ● SendModMessagePayload object ● SetEmailInput input ● SetEmailPayload object ● SetPasswordInput input ● SetPasswordPayload object ● Settings object ● SettingsAkismetExternalIntegrationInput input ● SettingsCloseCommentingInput input ● SettingsCommunityGuidelinesInput input ● SettingsDisableCommentingInput input ● SettingsEmailConfigurationInput input ● SettingsFacebookAuthIntegrationInput input ● SettingsGoogleAuthIntegrationInput input ● SettingsInput input ● SettingsOIDCAuthIntegrationInput input ● SettingsOrganizationInput input ● SettingsPerspectiveExternalIntegrationInput input ● SettingsSMTPInput input ● SettingsWordListInput input ● SetUsernameInput input ● SetUsernamePayload object ● SigningSecret object ● Site object ● sites query ● SlackChannel object ● SlackChannelConfigurationInput input ● SMTP object ● specifiedBy directive ● SSOAuthIntegration object ● SSOProfile object ● stories query ● story query ● Story object ● StoryMessageBox object ● StoryMessageBoxInput input ● StoryMetadata object ● StoryMetadataInput input ● StoryScrapingConfiguration object ● StoryScrapingConfigurationInput input ● stream query ● SuspendUserInput input ● SuspendUserPayload object ● SuspensionStatusHistory object ● TenorMedia object ● TestSMTPInput input ● TestSMTPPayload object ● Token object ● TwitterMedia object ● UnarchiveStoriesInput input ● UnarchiveStoriesPayload object ● UnfeatureCommentInput input ● UnfeatureCommentPayload object ● UpdateBioInput input ● UpdateBioPayload object ● UpdateEmailDomainInput input ● UpdateEmailDomainPayload object ● UpdateEmailInput input ● UpdateEmailNotificationSettingsInput input ● UpdateEmailNotificationSettingsPayload object ● UpdateEmailPayload object ● UpdateExternalModerationPhaseInput input ● UpdateExternalModerationPhasePayload object ● UpdateInPageNotificationSettingsInput input ● UpdateInPageNotificationSettingsPayload object ● UpdatePasswordInput input ● UpdatePasswordPayload object ● UpdateSettingsInput input ● UpdateSettingsPayload object ● UpdateSite input ● UpdateSiteInput input ● UpdateSitePayload object ● UpdateSSOProfileIDInput input ● UpdateSSOProfileIDPayload object ● UpdateStory input ● UpdateStoryInput input ● UpdateStoryModeInput input ● UpdateStoryModePayload object ● UpdateStoryPayload object ● UpdateStorySettingsInput input ● UpdateStorySettingsPayload object ● UpdateUserAvatarInput input ● UpdateUserAvatarPayload object ● UpdateUserBanInput input ● UpdateUserBanPayload object ● UpdateUserEmailInput input ● UpdateUserEmailPayload object ● UpdateUserMediaSettingsInput input ● UpdateUserMediaSettingsPayload object ● UpdateUserMembershipScopesInput input ● UpdateUserMembershipScopesPayload object ● UpdateUserModerationScopesInput input ● UpdateUserModerationScopesPayload object ● UpdateUsernameInput input ● UpdateUsernamePayload object ● UpdateUserRoleInput input ● UpdateUserRolePayload object ● UpdateUserUsernameInput input ● UpdateUserUsernamePayload object ● UpdateWebhookEndpointInput input ● UpdateWebhookEndpointPayload object ● User object ● UserMembershipScopes object ● UserModerationScopes object ● UsernameHistory object ● users query ● WarningStatus object ● WarningStatusHistory object ● WarnUserInput input ● WarnUserPayload object ● WebhookDelivery object ● WebhookEndpoint object ● WordList object ● WordlistMatch object ● YouTubeMedia object