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input MarkCommentsAsSeenInput {
clientMutationId: String!
storyID: ID!
commentIDs: [ID!]!
updateSeen: Boolean
markAllAsSeen: Boolean


MarkCommentsAsSeenInput.clientMutationId ● String! non-null scalar

clientMutationId is required for Relay support.

MarkCommentsAsSeenInput.storyID ● ID! non-null scalar

storyID is the story of the comment this is for.

MarkCommentsAsSeenInput.commentIDs ● [ID!]! non-null scalar

commentID is the comment to be marked as seen.

MarkCommentsAsSeenInput.orderBy ● COMMENT_SORT enum

orderBy is the current sort of comments in the stream.

MarkCommentsAsSeenInput.updateSeen ● Boolean scalar

updateSeen is whether to update the comment(s) as seen.

MarkCommentsAsSeenInput.markAllAsSeen ● Boolean scalar

markAllAsSeen marks all comments as seen.

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markCommentsAsSeen mutation