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input UpdateUserBanInput {
userID: ID!
banSiteIDs: [ID!]
unbanSiteIDs: [ID!]
message: String!
rejectExistingComments: Boolean
rejectionReason: RejectCommentReasonInput
clientMutationId: String!


UpdateUserBanInput.userID ● ID! non-null scalar

userID is the id of the user whose ban status should be updated

UpdateUserBanInput.banSiteIDs ● [ID!] list scalar

banSiteIDs are the ids of sites on which the user should be banned

UpdateUserBanInput.unbanSiteIDs ● [ID!] list scalar

unbanSiteIDs are the ids of sites on which the user should be unbanned

UpdateUserBanInput.message ● String! non-null scalar

message is the message that should be sent to the user (if sites have been added to their ban list)

UpdateUserBanInput.rejectExistingComments ● Boolean scalar

rejectExistingComments is whether existing comments should be rejected on sites on which the user has been newly banned, if any.

UpdateUserBanInput.rejectionReason ● RejectCommentReasonInput input

rejectionReason is the reason provided for why any existing comments are being rejected if DSA is enabled

UpdateUserBanInput.clientMutationId ● String! non-null scalar

clientMutationID is required for relay support

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updateUserBan mutation