📄️ acknowledgeModMessage
acknowledgeModMessage will set moderation messages to inactive
📄️ acknowledgeWarning
acknowledgeWarning will remove a warning
📄️ addDSAReportNote
addDSAReportNote adds a note to the history for a DSAReport
📄️ addDSAReportShare
addDSAReportShare adds that the report was downloaded and shared to the history for a DSAReport
📄️ addStoryExpert
addStoryExpert adds an expert to a story.
📄️ approveComment
approveComment will mark the Comment as APPROVED.
📄️ archiveStories
No description
📄️ banUser
banUser will ban a specific User from interacting with Comments.
📄️ cacheStory
cacheStory will cache the given Story and its comments into redis for fast
📄️ cancelAccountDeletion
cancelAccountDeletion allows the current logged in User to cancel the
📄️ cancelScheduledAccountDeletion
cancelScheduledAccountDeletion allows an admin to cancel a scheduled account deletion
📄️ changeDSAReportStatus
changeDSAReportStatus changes the status of a DSAReport and adds the status change to the history for a DSAReport
📄️ closeStory
closeStory will close the given story for commenting.
📄️ createAnnouncement
createAnnouncement creates a global announcement.
📄️ createCommentDontAgree
createCommentDontAgree will create a DontAgree authored by the current logged in
📄️ createCommentFlag
createCommentFlag will create a Flag authored by the current logged in User on
📄️ createCommentReaction
createCommentReaction will create a Reaction authored by the current logged in
📄️ createCommentReply
createCommentReply will create a Comment as the current logged in User that is
📄️ createComment
createComment will create a Comment as the current logged in User.
📄️ createDSAReport
createDSAReport creates a DSAReport for the provided comment
📄️ createEmailDomain
createEmailDomain creates an email domain configuration.
📄️ createExternalModerationPhase
createExternalModerationPhase will create a new ExternalModerationPhase.
📄️ createFlairBadge
createFlairBadge creates a custom flair badge url.
📄️ createModeratorNote
createModeratorNote creates a note on a user account.
📄️ createSite
No description
📄️ createStory
createStory will create the provided Story.
📄️ createToken
createToken allows an administrator to create a Token based on the current
📄️ createWebhookEndpoint
createWebhookEndpoint will create a new WebhookEndpoint.
📄️ deactivateSSOSigningSecret
deactivateSSOSigningSecret will deactivate a given deactivated SigningSecret.
📄️ deactivateToken
deactivateToken will deactivate the current logged in User's Token based on
📄️ deleteAnnouncement
deleteAnnouncement removes a global announcement.
📄️ deleteDSAReportNote
deleteDSAReportNote deletes a note from the history for a DSAReport
📄️ deleteEmailDomain
deleteEmailDomain deletes an email domain configuration.
📄️ deleteExternalModerationPhase
deleteExternalModerationPhase will delete a ExternalModerationPhase.
📄️ deleteFlairBadge
deleteFlairBadge removes a custom flair badge url.
📄️ deleteModeratorNote
deleteModeratorNote deletes a note on a user account.
📄️ deleteSSOSigningSecret
deleteSSOSigningSecret will delete a given inactive SigningSecret.
📄️ deleteUserAccount
deleteUserAccount will delete the target user now.
📄️ deleteWebhookEndpoint
deleteWebhookEndpoint will delete a WebhookEndpoint.
📄️ demoteMember
demoteMember will allow the viewer to remove one or many scopes that applies to
📄️ demoteModerator
demoteModerator will allow the viewer to remove one or many scopes that applies to
📄️ disableExternalModerationPhase
disableExternalModerationPhase will disable a ExternalModerationPhase from
📄️ disableFeatureFlag
disableFeatureFlag will disable a given FEATURE_FLAG
📄️ disableWebhookEndpoint
disableWebhookEndpoint will disable a WebhookEndpoint from receiving new
📄️ editComment
editComment will allow the author of a comment to change the body within the
📄️ enableExternalModerationPhase
enableExternalModerationPhase will enable a ExternalModerationPhase to receive
📄️ enableFeatureFlag
enableFeatureFlag will enable a given FEATURE_FLAG.
📄️ enableWebhookEndpoint
enableWebhookEndpoint will enable a WebhookEndpoint to receive new events.
📄️ featureComment
featureComment will mark a given Comment as featured.
📄️ flushRedis
flushRedis flushes the redis instance.
📄️ ignoreUser
ignoreUser will mark the given User as ignored by the current logged in User.
📄️ invalidateCachedStory
invalidateCachedStory will invalidate any cached data for a story whose stream
📄️ inviteUsers
inviteUsers will send emails to the users with a new account at the designated
📄️ makeDSAReportDecision
makeDSAReportDecision makes a legality decision for a DSAReport and adds the decision to the history for a DSAReport
📄️ markCommentsAsSeen
markCommentsAsSeen will set the seen state to true for the commentIDs provided.
📄️ mergeStories
mergeStories will merge two stories together, merging their comment streams.
📄️ openStory
openStory will open the given story for commenting.
📄️ premodUser
premodUser sets a user to mandatory premod
📄️ promoteMember
promoteMember will allow the viewer to add one or many scopes that applies to
📄️ promoteModerator
promoteModerator will allow the viewer to add one or many scopes that applies to
📄️ refreshStoryCounts
refreshStoryCounts will recompute the cached counts for a story based on
📄️ rejectComment
rejectComment will mark the Comment as REJECTED.
📄️ removeCommentDontAgree
removeCommentDontAgree will remove a DontAgree authored by the current logged in
📄️ removeCommentReaction
removeCommentReaction will remove a Reaction authored by the current logged in
📄️ removeStoryExpert
removeStoryExpert removes an expert from a story.
📄️ removeStory
removeStory will remove the given Story.
📄️ removeUserBan
removeUserBan will remove an active ban from a User if they have one
📄️ removeUserIgnore
removeUserIgnore will remove the given User from the ignored user list from
📄️ removeUserPremod
removeUserPremod removes a user from mandatory premod
📄️ removeUserSuspension
removeUserSuspension will remove an active suspension from a User if they have
📄️ removeUserWarning
removeUserWarning will remove a user warning
📄️ requestAccountDeletion
requestAccountDeletion allows the current logged in User to request to
📄️ requestCommentsDownload
requestCommentsDownload allows a user to request to download their comments.
📄️ requestUserCommentsDownload
requestUserCommentsDownload allows a user to request to download their comments.
📄️ reviewCommentFlag
reviewCommentFlag marks comment flag as reviewed
📄️ rotateExternalModerationPhaseSigningSecret
rotateExternalModerationPhaseSigningSecret will roll the current active secret
📄️ rotateSSOSigningSecret
rotateSSOSigningSecret can be used to rotate a given active SigningSecret.
📄️ rotateWebhookEndpointSigningSecret
rotateWebhookEndpointSigningSecret will roll the current active secret to a new key.
📄️ scheduleAccountDeletion
scheduleAccountDeletion allows an admin to schedule an account deletion
📄️ scrapeStory
scrapeStory will scrape the given Story and update the scraped metadata.
📄️ sendModMessage
sendModMessage will send a user a moderation message that they need to acknowledge
📄️ setEmail
setEmail will set the email address on the current User if they have not set
📄️ setPassword
setPassword will set the password on the current User if they have not set
📄️ setUsername
setUsername will set the username on the current User if they have not set one
📄️ suspendUser
suspendUser will suspend a specific User from interacting with Comments.
📄️ testSMTP
testSMTP sends a test email.
📄️ unarchiveStories
No description
📄️ unfeatureComment
unfeatureComment will remove the featured tag from a Comment that is featured.
📄️ updateBio
updateBio will update the users bio.
📄️ updateEmailDomain
updateEmailDomain updates an email domain configuration.
📄️ updateEmailNotificationSettings
updateEmailNotificationSettings can be used to update the email notification settings for
📄️ updateEmail
updateEmail will update the current users email address.
📄️ updateExternalModerationPhase
updateExternalModerationPhase will update a ExternalModerationPhase.
📄️ updateInPageNotificationSettings
updateInPageNotificationSettings can be used to update the in-page notification settings for
📄️ updatePassword
updatePassword allows the current logged in User to change their password if
📄️ updateSettings
updateSettings will update the Settings for the given Tenant.
📄️ updateSite
No description
📄️ updateSSOProfileID
No description
📄️ updateStoryMode
updateStoryMode will set the story mode.
📄️ updateStorySettings
updateStory will update the given Story's settings.
📄️ updateStory
updateStory will update the given Story.
📄️ updateUserAvatar
updateUserAvatar allows administrators to update a given User's avatar to the
📄️ updateUserBan
updateUserBan will ban a specified user from specified sites (if
📄️ updateUserEmail
updateUserEmail allows administrators to update a given User's email address
📄️ updateUserMediaSettings
updateUserMediaSettings can be used to update the media preferences for the
📄️ updateUserMembershipScopes
updateUserMembershipScopes will update the membership scopes for a given user.
📄️ updateUserModerationScopes
updateUserModerationScopes will update the moderation scopes for a given user.
📄️ updateUserRole
updateUserRole will update a given User's role.
📄️ updateUserUsername
updateUserUsername allows administrators to update a given User's username to
📄️ updateUsername
updateUsername will update the users username.
📄️ updateWebhookEndpoint
updateWebhookEndpoint will update a WebhookEndpoint.
📄️ warnUser
warnUser will warn a user and prevent them from commenting until they acknowledge