📄️ AcknowledgeModMessagePayload
No description
📄️ AcknowledgeWarningPayload
No description
📄️ ActionCounts
ActionCounts returns the counts of each action for an item.
📄️ ActionPresence
ActionPresence returns whether or not a given item has one of the following
📄️ AddDSAReportNotePayload
No description
📄️ AddDSAReportSharePayload
No description
📄️ AddStoryExpertPayload
No description
📄️ AkismetExternalIntegration
No description
📄️ Announcement
Announcement is an organization-wide announcement displayed above the stream
📄️ ApproveCommentPayload
No description
📄️ ArchiveStoriesPayload
No description
📄️ AuthIntegrations
No description
📄️ Auth
Auth contains all the settings related to authentication and
📄️ AuthenticationTargetFilter
AuthenticationTargetFilter when non-null, will specify the targets that a
📄️ BadgeConfiguration
BadgeConfiguration specifies the configuration for the staff badges assigned to
📄️ BanStatusHistory
BanStatusHistory is the list of all ban events against a specific User.
📄️ BanStatus
BanStatus contains information about a ban for a given User.
📄️ BanUserPayload
No description
📄️ CacheStoryPayload
No description
📄️ CancelAccountDeletionPayload
No description
📄️ CancelScheduledAccountDeletionPayload
No description
📄️ ChangeDSAReportStatusPayload
No description
📄️ CharCount
No description
📄️ CloseCommenting
CloseCommenting contains settings related to the automatic closing of commenting
📄️ CloseStoryPayload
No description
📄️ CommentCounts
No description
📄️ CommentCreatedPayload
CommentCreatedPayload is returned when a new top level Comment is created on a
📄️ CommentEdge
CommentEdge represents a unique Comment in a CommentsConnection.
📄️ CommentEditedPayload
CommentEditedPayload is returned when a Comment is edited.
📄️ CommentEnteredModerationQueuePayload
CommentEnteredModerationQueuePayload is returned when a Comment enters a
📄️ CommentEnteredPayload
CommentEnteredPayload is returned when a Comment is released on a Story.
📄️ CommentFeaturedPayload
CommentFeaturedPayload is returned when a Comment is featured.
📄️ CommentLeftModerationQueuePayload
CommentLeftModerationQueuePayload is returned when a Comment leaves a specific
📄️ CommentModerationActionConnection
No description
📄️ CommentModerationActionEdge
No description
📄️ CommentModerationAction
No description
📄️ CommentReleasedPayload
CommentReleasedPayload is returned when a new top level Comment is approved from premod stream
📄️ CommentReplyCreatedPayload
CommentReplyCreatedPayload is returned when a Comment is created as a reply to
📄️ CommentRevisionExternalModerationPhaseMetadata
No description
📄️ CommentRevisionMetadata
No description
📄️ CommentRevisionPerspectiveMetadata
No description
📄️ CommentRevisionWordListMetadata
No description
📄️ CommentRevision
No description
📄️ CommentStatusCounts
No description
📄️ CommentStatusUpdatedPayload
CommentStatusUpdatedPayload is returned when a Comment has it's status updated
📄️ CommentTagCounts
CommentTagCounts provides count data for Tags made against Comment's.
📄️ Comment
Comment is a comment left by a User on an
📄️ CommenterAccountFeatures
CommenterAccountFeatures stores the configuration for commenter account features.
📄️ CommentsConnection
CommentsConnection represents a subset of a comment list.
📄️ CommunityGuidelines
No description
📄️ CreateAnnouncementPayload
No description
📄️ CreateCommentDontAgreePayload
No description
📄️ CreateCommentFlagPayload
No description
📄️ CreateCommentPayload
CreateCommentPayload contains the created Comment after the createComment
📄️ CreateCommentReactionPayload
No description
📄️ CreateCommentReplyPayload
CreateCommentReplyPayload contains the created Comment after the createCommentReply
📄️ CreateDSAReportPayload
No description
📄️ CreateEmailDomainPayload
No description
📄️ CreateExternalModerationPhasePayload
No description
📄️ CreateFlairBadgePayload
No description
📄️ CreateIllegalContentPayload
No description
📄️ CreateModeratorNotePayload
No description
📄️ CreateSitePayload
No description
📄️ CreateStoryPayload
No description
📄️ CreateTokenPayload
No description
📄️ CreateWebhookEndpointPayload
No description
📄️ CustomExternalIntegration
No description
📄️ DeactivateSSOSigningSecretPayload
No description
📄️ DeactivateTokenPayload
No description
📄️ DeleteAnnouncementPayload
No description
📄️ DeleteDSAReportNotePayload
No description
📄️ DeleteEmailDomainPayload
No description
📄️ DeleteExternalModerationPhasePayload
No description
📄️ DeleteFlairBadgePayload
No description
📄️ DeleteModeratorNotePayload
No description
📄️ DeleteSSOSigningSecretPayload
No description
📄️ DeleteUserAccountPayload
No description
📄️ DeleteWebhookEndpointPayload
No description
📄️ DemoteMemberPayload
No description
📄️ DemoteModeratorPayload
No description
📄️ DisableCommenting
No description
📄️ DisableExternalModerationPhasePayload
No description
📄️ DisableFeatureFlagPayload
No description
📄️ DisableWebhookEndpointPayload
No description
📄️ DiscoveredOIDCConfiguration
DiscoveredOIDCConfiguration contains the discovered Provider Metadata as defined
📄️ DontAgreeActionCounts
DontAgreeActionCounts stores all the counts for the counts for the dontAgree
📄️ DSAConfiguration
No description
📄️ DSAMethodOfRedressConfiguration
No description
📄️ DSAReportDecision
No description
📄️ DSAReportEdge
DSAReportEdge represents a unique DSAReport in a DSAReportConnection.
📄️ DSAReportHistoryItem
No description
📄️ DSAReport
No description
📄️ DSAReportsConnection
DSAReportsConnection represents a subset of a DSA reports list.
📄️ EditCommentPayload
EditCommentPayload contains the edited Comment after the editComment
📄️ EditInfo
No description
📄️ EmailConfiguration
No description
📄️ EmailDomain
EmailDomain specifies the features that apply to certain email domains
📄️ EmbeddedCommentsConfiguration
EmbeddedCommentsConfiguration specifies the configuration for embedded comments.
📄️ EnableExternalModerationPhasePayload
No description
📄️ EnableFeatureFlagPayload
No description
📄️ EnableWebhookEndpointPayload
No description
📄️ ExternalIntegrations
No description
📄️ ExternalMediaConfiguration
No description
📄️ ExternalMedia
No description
📄️ ExternalModerationPhaseAction
No description
📄️ ExternalModerationPhaseResult
No description
📄️ ExternalModerationPhase
ExternalModerationPhase describes a phase use in the moderation pipeline that
📄️ FacebookAuthIntegration
No description
📄️ FacebookProfile
No description
📄️ FeatureCommentPayload
No description
📄️ FlagActionCounts
FlagActionCounts stores all the counts for the counts for the flag action on a
📄️ FlagEdge
No description
📄️ FlagReasonActionCounts
No description
📄️ Flag
No description
📄️ FlagsConnection
No description
📄️ FlairBadgeConfiguration
No description
📄️ FlairBadge
FlairBadgeConfiguration specifies the configuration for flair badges, including
📄️ FlushRedisPayload
No description
📄️ GifMediaConfiguration
No description
📄️ GiphyMedia
GiphyMedia is a particular GIF that is provided by the Giphy platform.
📄️ GoogleAuthIntegration
No description
📄️ GoogleProfile
No description
📄️ IgnoreUserPayload
No description
📄️ IllegalActionCounts
No description
📄️ InPageNotificationsConfiguration
No description
📄️ InvalidateCachedStoryPayload
No description
📄️ InviteUsersPayload
No description
📄️ Invite
Invite represents a given User that is pending registration that has been
📄️ LiveConfiguration
LiveConfiguration provides configuration options related to live updates.
📄️ LocalAuthIntegration
No description
📄️ LocalProfile
No description
📄️ MakeDSAReportDecisionPayload
No description
📄️ MarkCommentsAsSeenPayload
No description
📄️ MediaConfiguration
No description
📄️ MergeStoriesPayload
No description
📄️ ModMessageStatusHistory
No description
📄️ ModMessageStatus
No description
📄️ ModerationQueue
ModerationQueue returns the Comments associated with a Moderation Queue.
📄️ ModerationQueues
ModerationQueues are the list of ModerationQueue's that are supported inside
📄️ ModeratorNote
No description
📄️ NewCommenterConfiguration
No description
📄️ NewCommentersConfiguration
NewCommenterConfiguration specifies the features that apply to new commenters
📄️ NewCommentersModerationConfig
NewCommentersModerationConfig specifies the configuration for moderation for new
📄 ️ NotificationDecisionDetails
No description
📄️ NotificationDSAReportDetails
No description
📄️ NotificationEdge
No description
📄️ Notification
No description
📄️ NotificationsConnection
No description
📄️ OIDCAuthIntegration
OIDCAuthIntegration provides a way to store Open ID Connect credentials. This
📄️ OIDCProfile
No description
📄️ OnReplySettings
No description
📄️ OpenStoryPayload
No description
📄️ Organization
Organization stores information about the organization behind this specific
📄️ PageInfo
No description
📄️ PerspectiveExternalIntegration
No description
📄️ PremodStatusHistory
No description
📄️ PremodStatus
No description
📄️ PremodUserPayload
No description
📄️ PremoderateEmailAddressConfiguration
No description
📄️ PromoteMemberPayload
No description
📄️ PromoteModeratorPayload
No description
📄️ QueueCounts
No description
📄️ Queue
No description
📄️ Queues
No description
📄️ Reacter
No description
📄️ ReactionActionCounts
ReactionActionCounts stores all the counts for the counts for the reaction
📄️ ReactionConfiguration
ReactionConfiguration stores the configuration for reactions used across this
📄️ ReactionEdge
No description
📄️ Reaction
No description
📄️ ReactionsConnection
No description
📄️ RecentCommentHistoryConfiguration
RecentCommentHistoryConfiguration controls the beheviour around when comments
📄️ RecentCommentHistory
RecentCommentHistory returns data associated with a User's recent commenting
📄️ RefreshStoryCountsPayload
No description
📄️ RejectCommentPayload
No description
📄️ RejectionReason
No description
📄️ RemoveCommentDontAgreePayload
No description
📄️ RemoveCommentReactionPayload
No description
📄️ RemovePremodUserPayload
No description
📄️ RemoveStoryExpertPayload
No description
📄️ RemoveStoryPayload
No description
📄️ RemoveUserBanPayload
No description
📄️ RemoveUserIgnorePayload
No description
📄️ RemoveUserSuspensionPayload
No description
📄️ RemoveUserWarningPayload
No description
📄️ RequestAccountDeletionPayload
No description
📄️ RequestCommentsDownloadPayload
No description
📄️ RequestUserCommentsDownloadPayload
No description
📄️ ReviewCommentFlagPayload
No description
📄️ RotateExternalModerationPhaseSigningSecretPayload
No description
📄️ RotateSSOSigningSecretPayload
No description
📄️ RotateWebhookEndpointSigningSecretPayload
No description
📄️ RTEConfiguration
No description
📄️ ScheduleAccountDeletionPayload
No description
📄️ ScrapeStoryPayload
No description
📄️ SendModMessagePayload
No description
📄️ SetEmailPayload
No description
📄️ SetPasswordPayload
No description
📄️ SetUsernamePayload
No description
📄️ Settings
Settings stores the global settings for a given Tenant.
📄️ SigningSecret
No description
📄️ SiteEdge
SiteEdge represents a unique Site in a SitesConnection.
📄️ Site
No description
📄️ SitesConnection
UsersConnection represents a subset of a stories list.
📄️ SlackChannelTriggers
No description
📄️ SlackChannel
No description
📄️ SlackConfiguration
No description
No description
📄️ SSOAuthIntegration
SSOAuthIntegration is an AuthIntegration that provides a secret to the admins
📄️ SSOProfile
No description
📄️ StoriesConnection
StoriesConnection represents a subset of a stories list.
📄️ StoryConfiguration
StoryConfiguration stores the configuration for working with stories.
📄️ StoryEdge
StoryEdge represents a unique Story in a StoriesConnection.
📄️ StoryMessageBox
StoryMessageBox stores settings related to the Story Message Box.
📄️ StoryMetadata
StoryMetadata stores all the metadata that is scraped using the scraping tools
📄️ StoryRatings
No description
📄️ StoryScrapingConfiguration
StoryScrapingConfiguration stores the configuration around story scraping.
📄️ StorySettings
No description
📄️ Story
Story is an Article or Page where Comments are written on by Users.
📄️ SuspendUserPayload
No description
📄️ SuspensionStatusHistory
SuspensionStatusHistory is the list of all suspension events against a specific User.
📄️ SuspensionStatus
SuspensionStatus stores the user suspension status as well as the history of
📄️ Tag
Tag is a simple text message that can be displayed to segment tagable entities.
📄️ TenorMedia
TenorMedia is a particular GIF that is provided by the Tenor platform.
📄️ TestSMTPPayload
No description
📄️ TimeRange
TimeRange represents a range of times.
📄️ Token
Token facilitates accessing Coral externally with a token.
📄️ TooManyPeriodsConfig
No description
📄️ TopCommenterConfiguration
topCommenter specifies whether or not the feature is enabled to show that commenters
📄️ TwitterMediaConfiguration
No description
📄️ TwitterMedia
TwitterMedia is a specific Twitter Tweet.
📄️ UnarchiveStoriesPayload
No description
📄️ UnfeatureCommentPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateBioPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateEmailDomainPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateEmailNotificationSettingsPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateEmailPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateExternalModerationPhasePayload
No description
📄️ UpdateInPageNotificationSettingsPayload
No description
📄️ UpdatePasswordPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateSettingsPayload
UpdateSettingsPayload contains the updated Settings after the updateSettings
📄️ UpdateSitePayload
No description
📄️ UpdateSSOProfileIDPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateStoryModePayload
No description
📄️ UpdateStoryPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateStorySettingsPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateUserAvatarPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateUserBanPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateUserEmailPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateUserMediaSettingsPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateUserMembershipScopesPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateUserModerationScopesPayload
No description
📄️ UpdateUserRolePayload
No description
📄️ UpdateUserUsernamePayload
No description
📄️ UpdateUsernamePayload
No description
📄️ UpdateWebhookEndpointPayload
No description
📄️ UserDeletionHistory
No description
📄️ UserDeletionStatus
No description
📄️ UserEdge
UserEdge represents a unique User in a UsersConnection.
📄️ UserEmailNotificationSettings
UserEmailNotificationSettings stores the email notification settings for a given User.
📄️ UserInPageNotificationSettings
UserInPageNotificationSettings stores the in-page notification settings for a given User.
📄️ UserMediaSettings
UserMediaSettings are the user's preferences around embed stream behaviour.
📄️ UserMembershipScopes
UserMembershipScopes describes the scopes of membership. These only apply when
📄️ UserModerationScopes
UserModerationScopes describes the scopes for moderation. These only apply when
📄️ UserStatus
UserStatus stores the user status information regarding moderation state.
📄️ User
User is someone that leaves Comments, and logs in.
📄️ UsernameHistory
No description
📄️ UsernameStatus
No description
📄️ UsersConnection
UsersConnection represents a subset of a stories list.
📄️ WarnUserPayload
No description
📄️ WarningStatusHistory
No description
📄️ WarningStatus
No description
📄️ WebhookConfiguration
No description
📄️ WebhookDelivery
No description
📄️ WebhookEndpoint
No description
📄️ WordList
WordList describes all the available wordLists.
📄️ WordlistMatch
No description
📄️ YouTubeMediaConfiguration
No description
📄️ YouTubeMedia
YouTubeMedia is a specific YouTube video.