📄️ AcknowledgeModMessageInput
No description
📄️ AcknowledgeWarningInput
No description
📄️ AddDSAReportNoteInput
No description
📄️ AddDSAReportShareInput
No description
📄️ AddStoryExpertInput
No description
📄️ ApproveCommentInput
No description
📄️ ArchiveStoriesInput
No description
📄️ BadgeConfigurationInput
BadgeConfigurationInput specifies the configuration for the staff badges
📄️ BanUserInput
No description
📄️ BlueskyMediaConfigurationInput
No description
📄️ CacheStoryInput
No description
📄️ CancelAccountDeletionInput
No description
📄️ CancelScheduledAccountDeletionInput
No description
📄️ ChangeDSAReportStatusInput
No description
📄️ CloseStoryInput
No description
📄️ CommenterAccountFeaturesInput
CommenterAccountFeatures stores the configuration for commenter account features.
📄️ CreateAnnouncementInput
No description
📄️ CreateCommentDontAgreeInput
No description
📄️ CreateCommentFlagInput
No description
📄️ CreateCommentInput
CreateCommentInput provides the input for the createComment Mutation.
📄️ CreateCommentMediaInput
CreateCommentMediaInput is used for creating media to be attached to a Comment.
📄️ CreateCommentReactionInput
No description
📄️ CreateCommentReplyInput
CreateCommentReplyInput provides the input for the createCommentReply Mutation.
📄️ CreateDSAReportInput
No description
📄️ CreateEmailDomainInput
No description
📄️ CreateEmailDomain
No description
📄️ CreateExternalModerationPhaseInput
No description
📄️ CreateFlairBadgeInput
No description
📄️ CreateIllegalContentInput
No description
📄️ CreateModeratorNoteInput
No description
📄️ CreateSiteInput
No description
📄️ CreateSite
No description
📄️ CreateStoryInput
No description
📄️ CreateStory
CreateStory is the input required to create a Story.
📄️ CreateTokenInput
No description
📄️ CreateWebhookEndpointInput
No description
📄️ DeactivateSSOSigningSecretInput
No description
📄️ DeactivateTokenInput
No description
📄️ DeleteAnnouncementInput
No description
📄️ DeleteDSAReportNoteInput
No description
📄️ DeleteEmailDomainInput
No description
📄️ DeleteExternalModerationPhaseInput
No description
📄️ DeleteFlairBadgeInput
No description
📄️ DeleteModeratorNoteInput
No description
📄️ DeleteSSOSigningSecretInput
No description
📄️ DeleteUserAccountInput
No description
📄️ DeleteWebhookEndpointInput
No description
📄️ DemoteMemberInput
No description
📄️ DemoteModeratorInput
No description
📄️ DisableExternalModerationPhaseInput
No description
📄️ DisableFeatureFlagInput
No description
📄️ DisableWebhookEndpointInput
No description
📄️ DSAConfigurationInput
DSAConfigurationInput specifies the configuration for DSA European Union
📄️ DSAMethodOfRedressConfigurationInput
DSAMethodOfRedressConfigurationInput specifies the methods of redress and
📄️ EditCommentInput
EditCommentInput provides the input for the editComment Mutation.
📄️ EmbeddedCommentsConfigurationInput
EmbeddedCommentsConfigurationInput specifies the configuration for comment embeds.
📄️ EnableExternalModerationPhaseInput
No description
📄️ EnableFeatureFlagInput
No description
📄️ EnableWebhookEndpointInput
No description
📄️ FeatureCommentInput
No description
📄️ FlairBadgeConfigurationInput
FlairBadgeConfigurationInput specifies the configuration for flair badges,
📄️ FlattenRepliesInput
No description
📄️ FlushRedisInput
No description
📄️ GifMediaConfigurationInput
No description
📄️ IgnoreUserInput
No description
📄️ InPageNotificationsConfigurationInput
InPageNotificationsConfigurationInput specifies the configuration for in-page notifications.
📄️ InvalidateCachedStoryInput
No description
📄️ InviteUsersInput
No description
📄️ LiveConfigurationInput
LiveConfigurationInput provides configuration options related to live updates.
📄️ MakeDSAReportDecisionInput
No description
📄️ MarkCommentsAsSeenInput
No description
📄️ MediaConfigurationInput
No description
📄️ MembershipScopesInput
No description
📄️ MergeStoriesInput
No description
📄️ ModerationScopesInput
ModerationScopesInput describes the different scopes that a given moderator
📄️ NewCommenterConfigurationInput
newCommenter specifies whether or not the feature is enabled to show that commenters
📄️ NewCommentersConfigurationInput
NewCommentersConfigurationInput specifies the features that apply to new commenters
📄️ NewCommentersModerationConfigInput
NewCommentersModerationConfigInput specifies the moderation configuration for
📄️ OnReplySettingsInput
No description
📄️ OpenStoryInput
No description
📄️ PremodUserInput
No description
📄️ PremoderateEmailAddressConfigurationInput
No description
📄️ PromoteMemberInput
No description
📄️ PromoteModeratorInput
No description
📄️ ReactionConfigurationInput
ReactionConfigurationInput stores the configuration for reactions used across
📄️ RecentCommentHistoryConfigurationInput
RecentCommentHistoryConfigurationInput controls the beheviour around when comments from Users
📄️ RefreshStoryCountsInput
No description
📄️ RejectCommentInput
No description
📄️ RejectCommentReasonInput
No description
📄️ RemoveCommentDontAgreeInput
No description
📄️ RemoveCommentReactionInput
No description
📄️ RemovePremodUserInput
No description
📄️ RemoveStoryExpertInput
No description
📄️ RemoveStoryInput
No description
📄️ RemoveUserBanInput
No description
📄️ RemoveUserIgnoreInput
No description
📄️ RemoveUserSuspensionInput
No description
📄️ RemoveUserWarningInput
No description
📄️ RequestAccountDeletionInput
No description
📄️ RequestCommentsDownloadInput
No description
📄️ RequestUserCommentsDownloadInput
No description
📄️ ReviewCommentFlagInput
No description
📄️ RotateExternalModerationPhaseSigningSecretInput
No description
📄️ RotateSSOSigningSecretInput
No description
📄️ RotateWebhookEndpointSigningSecretInput
No description
📄️ RTEConfigurationInput
RTEConfigurationInput specifies the configuration for the rte.
📄️ ScheduleAccountDeletionInput
No description
📄️ ScrapeStoryInput
No description
📄️ SectionFilter
No description
📄️ SendModMessageInput
No description
📄️ SetEmailInput
No description
📄️ SetPasswordInput
No description
📄️ SetUsernameInput
No description
📄️ SettingsAkismetExternalIntegrationInput
No description
📄️ SettingsAuthInput
Auth contains all the settings related to authentication and
📄️ SettingsAuthIntegrationsInput
No description
📄️ SettingsAuthenticationTargetFilterInput
No description
📄️ SettingsCharCountInput
No description
📄️ SettingsCloseCommentingInput
No description
📄️ SettingsCommunityGuidelinesInput
No description
📄️ SettingsDisableCommentingInput
No description
📄️ SettingsEmailConfigurationInput
No description
📄️ SettingsExternalIntegrationsInput
No description
📄️ SettingsFacebookAuthIntegrationInput
No description
📄️ SettingsGoogleAuthIntegrationInput
No description
📄️ SettingsInput
SettingsInput is the partial type of the Settings type for performing mutations.
📄️ SettingsLocalAuthIntegrationInput
No description
📄️ SettingsOIDCAuthIntegrationInput
No description
📄️ SettingsOrganizationInput
No description
📄️ SettingsPerspectiveExternalIntegrationInput
No description
📄️ SettingsSMTPInput
No description
📄️ SettingsSSOAuthIntegrationInput
No description
📄️ SettingsWordListInput
No description
📄️ SlackChannelConfigurationInput
No description
📄️ SlackConfigurationInput
No description
📄️ SlackTriggersConfigurationInput
No description
📄️ StoryConfigurationInput
StoryConfiguration stores the configuration for working with stories.
📄️ StoryMessageBoxInput
StoryMessageBoxInput stores settings related to the Story Message Box.
📄️ StoryMetadataInput
StoryMetadataInput is the metadata for a given Story as provided via this API.
📄️ StoryScrapingConfigurationInput
StoryScrapingConfigurationInput stores the configuration around story scraping.
📄️ SuspendUserInput
No description
📄️ TestSMTPInput
No description
📄️ TooManyPeriodsConfigInput
No description
📄️ TopCommenterConfigurationInput
topCommenter specifies whether or not the feature is enabled to show that commenters
📄️ TwitterMediaConfigurationInput
No description
📄️ UnarchiveStoriesInput
No description
📄️ UnfeatureCommentInput
No description
📄️ UpdateBioInput
No description
📄️ UpdateEmailDomainInput
No description
📄️ UpdateEmailInput
No description
📄️ UpdateEmailNotificationSettingsInput
No description
📄️ UpdateExternalModerationPhaseInput
No description
📄️ UpdateInPageNotificationSettingsInput
No description
📄️ UpdatePasswordInput
No description
📄️ UpdateSettingsInput
UpdateSettingsInput provides the input for the updateSettings Mutation.
📄️ UpdateSiteInput
No description
📄️ UpdateSite
No description
📄️ UpdateSSOProfileIDInput
No description
📄️ UpdateStoryInput
No description
📄️ UpdateStoryModeInput
No description
📄️ UpdateStorySettingsInput
No description
📄️ UpdateStorySettings
UpdateStorySettings is the input required to update a Story's Settings.
📄️ UpdateStory
UpdateStory is the input required to update a Story.
📄️ UpdateUserAvatarInput
No description
📄️ UpdateUserBanInput
No description
📄️ UpdateUserEmailInput
No description
📄️ UpdateUserMediaSettingsInput
No description
📄️ UpdateUserMembershipScopesInput
No description
📄️ UpdateUserModerationScopesInput
No description
📄️ UpdateUserRoleInput
No description
📄️ UpdateUserUsernameInput
No description
📄️ UpdateUsernameInput
No description
📄️ UpdateWebhookEndpointInput
No description
📄️ WarnUserInput
No description
📄️ YouTubeMediaConfigurationInput
No description