📄️ activeStories
activeStories is the list of most recently commented on stories identified
📄️ comment
comment returns a specific comment.
📄️ comments
comments returns a filtered comments connection that can be paginated. This is
📄️ debugScrapeStoryMetadata
debugScrapeStoryMetadata will return the information that Coral was able to
📄️ discoverOIDCConfiguration
discoverOIDCConfiguration will discover the OpenID Connect configuration based
📄️ dsaReport
dsaReport returns a specific dsaReport.
📄️ dsaReports
dsaReports are the list of dsaReports
📄️ emailDomain
emailDomain will return a specific emailDomain configuration if it exists.
📄️ externalModerationPhase
externalModerationPhase will return a specific ExternalModerationPhase if it
📄️ flags
flags are the list of flags from user reported comments.
📄️ moderationQueues
moderationQueues returns the set of ModerationQueues that are available for
📄️ notificationCount
No description
📄️ notifications
notifications will return a list of notifications for an ownerID.
📄️ queues
queues returns information on queues used in Coral to manage
📄️ sections
sections will return the unique sections used by this Tenant.
📄️ settings
settings is the Settings for a given Tenant.
📄️ site
No description
📄️ sites
No description
📄️ stories
stories returns filtered stories that can be paginated.
📄️ story
story is a specific article that can be identified by either an ID or a URL.
📄️ stream
stream will load a specific story that can be identified by either an ID or a
📄️ user
user will return the user referenced by their ID.
📄️ users
users returns filtered users that can be paginated.
📄️ viewer
viewer is the current logged in User. If no user is currently logged in, it will
📄️ webhookEndpoint
webhookEndpint will return a specific WebhookEndpoint if it exists.