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type DSAReportHistoryItem {
id: ID!
type: DSAReportHistoryType
createdAt: Time!
createdBy: User
decision: DSAReportDecision
note: String
status: DSAReportStatus
body: String

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

DSAReportHistoryItem.type ● DSAReportHistoryType enum

type is the kind of DSA report history item this is

DSAReportHistoryItem.createdAt ● Time! non-null scalar

createdAt is when this report history item was created

DSAReportHistoryItem.createdBy ● User object

createdBy is the user who added this report history item

DSAReportHistoryItem.decision ● DSAReportDecision object

decision is included if the report history item is making a decision

DSAReportHistoryItem.note ● String scalar

note is included as an explanation for a report history item decision

DSAReportHistoryItem.status ● DSAReportStatus enum

status is the new status if the report history item type changes the status

DSAReportHistoryItem.body ● String scalar

body is the text added if the report history item decision is a note added

Member Of

DSAReport object