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GiphyMedia is a particular GIF that is provided by the Giphy platform.

type GiphyMedia {
url: String!
original: String!
still: String!
video: String!
width: Int
height: Int
title: String


GiphyMedia.url ● String! non-null scalar

url is the URL to a image of the GIF.

GiphyMedia.original ● String! non-null scalar

original is the URL to a image of the GIF.

GiphyMedia.still ● String! non-null scalar

still is a thumbnail preview of the GIF. ● String! non-null scalar

video is a URL to the mp4 video of the GIF.

GiphyMedia.width ● Int scalar

width is the width of the GIF in pixels.

GiphyMedia.height ● Int scalar

height is the height of the GIF in pixels.

GiphyMedia.title ● String scalar

title is the title of the GIF.

Implemented By

CommentMedia union