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type CommentModerationAction {
id: ID!
revision: CommentRevision
comment: Comment
moderator: User
rejectionReason: RejectionReason
createdAt: Time!
customReason: String

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

CommentModerationAction.revision ● CommentRevision object

revision is the moderated CommentRevision.

CommentModerationAction.comment ● Comment object

comment is the moderated Comment.

CommentModerationAction.status ● COMMENT_STATUS! non-null enum

status represents the status that was assigned by the moderator.

CommentModerationAction.moderator ● User object

moderator is the User that performed the Moderator action. If null, this means that the system has assigned the moderation status.

CommentModerationAction.rejectionReason ● RejectionReason object

reason is the reason the comment was rejected, if it was rejected

CommentModerationAction.createdAt ● Time! non-null scalar

createdAt is the time that the CommentModerationAction was created.

CommentModerationAction.customReason ● String scalar

customReason is a reason provided for rejection when the Other rejection code is selected.

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CommentModerationActionConnection object ● CommentModerationActionEdge object