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ActionCounts returns the counts of each action for an item.

type ActionCounts {
reaction: ReactionActionCounts!
dontAgree: DontAgreeActionCounts!
flag: FlagActionCounts!
illegal: IllegalActionCounts!


ActionCounts.reaction ● ReactionActionCounts! non-null object

reaction returns the counts for the reaction action on an item.

ActionCounts.dontAgree ● DontAgreeActionCounts! non-null object

dontAgree returns the counts for the dontAgree action on an item. This edge is restricted to administrators and moderators.

ActionCounts.flag ● FlagActionCounts! non-null object

flag returns the counts for the flag action on an item. This edge is restricted to administrators and moderators.

ActionCounts.illegal ● IllegalActionCounts! non-null object

illegal returns the counts for the illegal content action on on item.

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Comment object ● CommentRevision object ● Story object