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SuspensionStatusHistory is the list of all suspension events against a specific User.

type SuspensionStatusHistory {
active: Boolean!
from: TimeRange!
createdBy: User
createdAt: Time!
modifiedBy: User
modifiedAt: Time
message: String!

Fields ● Boolean! non-null scalar

active is true when the given suspension status time range applies now.

SuspensionStatusHistory.from ● TimeRange! non-null object

from is the time range that the suspension is active for.

SuspensionStatusHistory.createdBy ● User object

createdBy is the User that suspended the User. If null, the then the given User was suspended by the system.

SuspensionStatusHistory.createdAt ● Time! non-null scalar

createdAt is the time that the suspension was created at.

SuspensionStatusHistory.modifiedBy ● User object

modifiedBy is the User that canceled/edited the suspension. If null, then the suspension has not been canceled/edited, or has been edited by the system.

SuspensionStatusHistory.modifiedAt ● Time scalar

modifiedAt is the time that the suspension was canceled/edited. If null, then the suspension has not been canceled/edited.

SuspensionStatusHistory.message ● String! non-null scalar

message is sent to suspended user via email.

Member Of

SuspensionStatus object