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type Notification {
id: ID!
ownerID: ID!
createdAt: Time!
comment: Comment
commentReply: Comment
commentStatus: COMMENT_STATUS
previousStatus: COMMENT_STATUS
decisionDetails: NotificationDecisionDetails
customReason: String
dsaReport: NotificationDSAReportDetails

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

id is the uuid identifier for the notification.

Notification.ownerID ● ID! non-null scalar

ownerID is the string identifier for who this notification is directed to.

Notification.type ● NOTIFICATION_TYPE enum

type defines the template type for this notification used to generate it. Useful for sorting and filtering categorized notifications.

Notification.createdAt ● Time! non-null scalar

createdAt is when this notification was created, used for sorting.

Notification.comment ● Comment object

comment is the optional comment that is linked to this notification.

Notification.commentReply ● Comment object

commentReply is the optional comment reply that is linked to this notification.

Notification.commentStatus ● COMMENT_STATUS enum

commentStatus is the optional status of the comment when the notification was created. This allows for the context of the state of the comment to be persisted even if the comment reference undergoes multiple moderation actions since the notification was created.

Notification.previousStatus ● COMMENT_STATUS enum

previousStatus is the optional prior status of the comment when the notification was created. This allows us to determine if a comment was previously pending review, or reported to compare against the current status (rejected, approved, etc).

Notification.rejectionReason ● REJECTION_REASON_CODE enum

rejectionReason is an optional field that defines why a comment was rejected.

Notification.decisionDetails ● NotificationDecisionDetails object

decisionDetails is an optional field that contains further details pertaining to DSA or moderation decisions.

Notification.customReason ● String scalar

customReason is a reason provided for rejection when the Other rejection code is selected.

Notification.dsaReport ● NotificationDSAReportDetails object

dsaReport is the details of the DSA Report related to the notification. This is usually in reference to the comment that is also related to the notification.

Member Of

NotificationEdge object ● NotificationsConnection object