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type DSAReport {
id: ID!
referenceID: String!
submissionID: String!
reporter: User
comment: Comment
createdAt: Time!
status: DSAReportStatus
lawBrokenDescription: String!
additionalInformation: String!
decision: DSAReportDecision
history: [DSAReportHistoryItem]
lastUpdated: Time
first: Int = 10
after: Cursor
): DSAReportsConnection!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

DSAReport.referenceID ● String! non-null scalar

referenceID is a human-friendly ID to keep track of the DSAReport

DSAReport.submissionID ● String! non-null scalar

submissionID keeps track of comments that were submitted together in one form

DSAReport.reporter ● User object

user who submitted the DSAReport

DSAReport.comment ● Comment object

comment reported as containing illegal content

DSAReport.createdAt ● Time! non-null scalar

createdAt is when the DSAReport was created

DSAReport.status ● DSAReportStatus enum

status of DSAReport

DSAReport.lawBrokenDescription ● String! non-null scalar

lawBrokenDescription is the text entered by the submitting user to describe which law is broken by the reported comment

DSAReport.additionalInformation ● String! non-null scalar

additionalInformation is more explanation entereted by the submitting user to describe how the comment breaks the law

DSAReport.decision ● DSAReportDecision object

decision is the determination of whether the reported comment is illegal or not, as well as the legal grounds for the decision and additional detailed explanation of decision

DSAReport.history ● [DSAReportHistoryItem] list object

history includes report history items such as notes added to a report, when a report's status is changed, and if a decision is made regarding whether the related comment contains illegal content or not

DSAReport.lastUpdated ● Time scalar

lastUpdated is when the DSAReport last had an action created and added to its history, such as a note added, status changed, or decision made

DSAReport.relatedReports ● DSAReportsConnection! non-null object

relatedReports are DSAReports that share a submissionID and were submitted at the same time in one illegal content report

DSAReport.relatedReports.first ● Int scalar
DSAReport.relatedReports.orderBy ● REPORT_SORT enum
DSAReport.relatedReports.after ● Cursor scalar

Returned By

dsaReport query

Member Of

AddDSAReportNotePayload object ● AddDSAReportSharePayload object ● ChangeDSAReportStatusPayload object ● CreateDSAReportPayload object ● DeleteDSAReportNotePayload object ● DSAReportEdge object ● DSAReportsConnection object ● MakeDSAReportDecisionPayload object