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OIDCAuthIntegration provides a way to store Open ID Connect credentials. This will be used in the admin to provide staff logins for users.

type OIDCAuthIntegration {
enabled: Boolean!
allowRegistration: Boolean!
targetFilter: AuthenticationTargetFilter!
name: String
callbackURL: String!
redirectURL: String
clientID: String
clientSecret: String
authorizationURL: String
tokenURL: String
jwksURI: String
issuer: String


OIDCAuthIntegration.enabled ● Boolean! non-null scalar

enabled, when true, allows the integration to be enabled.

OIDCAuthIntegration.allowRegistration ● Boolean! non-null scalar

allowRegistration when true will allow users that have not signed up before with this authentication integration to sign up.

OIDCAuthIntegration.targetFilter ● AuthenticationTargetFilter! non-null object

targetFilter will restrict where the authentication integration should be displayed. If the value of targetFilter is null, then the authentication integration should be displayed in all targets. ● String scalar

name is the label assigned to reference the provider of the OIDC integration, and will be used in situations where the name of the provider needs to be displayed, like the login button.

OIDCAuthIntegration.callbackURL ● String! non-null scalar

callbackURL is the URL that the user should be redirected to in order to continue the authentication flow with the given integration. This field is not stored, and is instead computed from the Tenant.

OIDCAuthIntegration.redirectURL ● String scalar

redirectURL is the URL that the user should be redirected to in order to start an authentication flow with the given integration. This field is not stored, and is instead computed from the Tenant.

OIDCAuthIntegration.clientID ● String scalar

clientID is the Client Identifier as defined in:

OIDCAuthIntegration.clientSecret ● String scalar

clientSecret is the Client Secret as defined in:

OIDCAuthIntegration.authorizationURL ● String scalar

authorizationURL is defined as the authorization_endpoint in:

OIDCAuthIntegration.tokenURL ● String scalar

tokenURL is defined as the token_endpoint in:

OIDCAuthIntegration.jwksURI ● String scalar

jwksURI is defined as the jwks_uri in:

OIDCAuthIntegration.issuer ● String scalar

issuer is defined as the issuer in:

Member Of

AuthIntegrations object