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NewCommenterConfiguration specifies the features that apply to new commenters

type NewCommentersConfiguration {
premodEnabled: Boolean! @deprecated
approvedCommentsThreshold: Int!
moderation: NewCommentersModerationConfig


NewCommentersConfiguration.premodEnabled ● Boolean! deprecated non-null scalar


Use moderation instead for whether premod is enabled and on which sites

premodEnabled ensures that new commenters' comments are pre-moderated until they have enough approved comments

NewCommentersConfiguration.approvedCommentsThreshold ● Int! non-null scalar

approvedCommentsThreshold is the number of comments a user must have approved before their comments do not require premoderation

NewCommentersConfiguration.moderation ● NewCommentersModerationConfig object

moderation is the configuration for moderation for new commenters' comments until they have enough approved comments. It stores whether it is PRE, POST, or SPECIFIC_SITES_PRE for pre-moderation only on specific sites, and in this case, which specific sites.

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