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ExternalModerationPhase describes a phase use in the moderation pipeline that calls out to an external resource as defined by the provided URL.

type ExternalModerationPhase {
id: ID!
name: String!
enabled: Boolean!
url: String!
timeout: Int!
signingSecret: SigningSecret!

Fields ● ID! non-null scalar

id identifies this particular External Moderation Phase. ● String! non-null scalar

name is the name assigned to this ExternalModerationPhase for identification purposes.

ExternalModerationPhase.enabled ● Boolean! non-null scalar

enabled when true, will use this phase in the moderation pipeline.

ExternalModerationPhase.url ● String! non-null scalar

url is the actual URL that should be called.

ExternalModerationPhase.format ● COMMENT_BODY_FORMAT! non-null enum

format is the format of the comment body sent.

ExternalModerationPhase.timeout ● Int! non-null scalar

timeout is the number of milliseconds that this moderation is maximum expected to take before it is skipped.

ExternalModerationPhase.signingSecret ● SigningSecret! non-null object

signingSecret is the secret used to sign outgoing requests to the url during the moderation pipeline.

Returned By

externalModerationPhase query

Member Of

CreateExternalModerationPhasePayload object ● CustomExternalIntegration object ● DeleteExternalModerationPhasePayload object ● DisableExternalModerationPhasePayload object ● EnableExternalModerationPhasePayload object ● RotateExternalModerationPhaseSigningSecretPayload object ● UpdateExternalModerationPhasePayload object